Sunday, September 5, 2010

Take a stand for Freedom

The Freedom to express ourselves, enjoy our liberty and vote in a secret way without fear is a God given birthright that our forefathers gave us. They fought for this Freedom and died for it time and time again. Our form of government is meant to be a republic of laws, In the design of our county 235 years ago, we had people of many backgrounds that understood in this basic pledge and believed that the long-term power of all office holders corrupts them. It has taken over 80 years to move away from this form of government.

Now we in a constant blame game of what political party has placed this drift away from a nation of laws to a poll result mob rule form of government. The only answer at this time is to vote the out political party back into office. The real long term answer is to support in the local primarily new people and vote for them over the incumbents to rid the incumbent corrupted members of congress.

At times we have to take a stand on our beliefs, even when someone else does not understand them. The worst thing you can do at this time is to cast a personal insult on the other person beliefs. It shows a lack of understanding or care for other viewpoints. Some people while having very respectable intentions lower their own game and show less results when they use personal jabs onto people when they do not gain them to follow their personal torch.

We have now a real government disgust of incumbent corrupted members of congress that has not been seen for over fifteen years in this county. We also have people that use an insinuating type attack on the “other side” today. Over forty years ago we had a President that used the term “big tent”. He understood that you do not eat your own side.

It looks like a lot of people do not want to use this basis understanding system. It is too bad as without compassion to other like minded people they are doomed to fail in most of their objectives.

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